This cover sheet is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather. The bills were submitted by a pension attorney, W.V. Sickel, on behalf of my third great-grandmother after the death of my third great-grandfather, as she was trying to get his monthly pension as his widow. My third great-grandfather qualified for a pension because he served at the end of the Civil War in Company I of the 215th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Infantry.
Every ancestor is more than just a name. Every one of them has a story. We are connected genetically, physically, and emotionally. We are who we are because of who they were.
Friday, June 18, 2021
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Assessors Record Cover Sheet of September 23, 1904
This Assessors Record Cover Sheet is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather and was filed on September 23, 1904.
It mentions my third great-grandmother as the widow of James Odgers, but does not list her name.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Board Of Revision Of Taxes August 31, 1904
This form from the office of the Board of Revision of Taxes is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather. After his death, my third great-grandmother filed to continue getting the pension he was receiving for the time he spent as a Union soldier in the Civil War.
This was filed on August 31, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At that time my third great-grandmother owned four houses in the city of Philadelphia. They are all listed here, as well as how much they were worth.
The house and lot that had the highest value was her own home at 1416 South 15th Street. It was worth $3,200. Next was the house and lot at 1445 South 16th Street at $2,100, 1532 South 8th Street at $1,800, and 813 Tasker Street at $1,200. The total worth of all the houses was $8,300, which would be about $250,000 today.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Certificate of Death
This certificate of Death is dated June 18, 1904 and is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather. He died on April 30, 1904 at the age of 76 in the State Hospital for the Insane in Norristown, Pennsylvania. His cause of death is listed as uremia - a condition involving abnormally high levels of waste products in the blood. It is likely that his kidneys were no longer filtering properly, which may have been from some type of kidney disease.
This certificate was received by the Pension Office on July 18, 1904.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
May 4, 1904 Receipt
This receipt is from the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather and is for some paper hanging that my third great-grandmother had done at 813 Tasker Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The paper hanging business was owned by a Jospeh R. Senglein, who worked out of 1509 South Thirteenth Street.
Wall paper was hung in three rooms of the house. There were three pieces hung on the sides and ceiling of the bathroom, as well as 1 piece on the border. In the kitchen, seven pieces on the side walls, three on the ceiling, and one and half on the boarder. In the dining room, eight pieces on the side walls, four on the ceiling, and 2 on the boarder.
The total amount charged for this job was $5.31, which would be about $159 today,
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
April 12, 1904 Receipt
This receipt is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather. It is for some plumbing work that my third great-grandmother had done on various houses in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The work was done by a Robert E. Henderson that worked out of 1131 South Broad Street.
On October 21, five hours of work was spent by a plumber and a helper preparing a tank and spigots at 1416 South 15th Street. The cost was $2.00.
On July 13, four hours of work was spent by a plumber and a helper repairing a tank in the bath room. It looks like four joints and four feet of 1/2 lead pipe were used for the repairs. No address was given for this work. The cost was $5.
On February 2, one days time for a plumber and a helper were spent at 813 Tasker Street thawing out and repairing pipes. The total cost for that day was $6.50.
On February 8, a plumber and a helper did work for five hours at 1445 South 16th Street. The total cost for that was $2.50.
On February 9, five hours of time was put in by a plumber and a helper thawing out and repairing pipes at 1532 South 8th Street. The total cost for that was $4.50.
On February 10, my third great-grandmother had a new water closet installed at 1416 South 15th Street. The total cost of that was $10.
On March 17, five hours of time was put in by a plumber and a helper repairing and thawing out pipes at 1532 South 8th Street. The cost of that was $4.50.
On March 30, My third great-grandmother had to have more burst pipes repaired. This time at 1445 South 16th Street. That cost her $2.50.
On April 1, a new main pipe was placed at 1416 South 15th Street. This took one day's work by a digger and a plumber and his helper. That job cost the most, $19.25.
The total on this receipt is $56.85, which would be about $1,706 today. My third great-grandmother made a $10 payment on the account on April 15.
Bills of Repairs September 24,1904
This cover sheet is found in the Civil War Pension File of my paternal third great-grandfather. The bills were submitted by a pension atto...

My latest find, my paternal grandfather's wallet, has been a treasure trove of information. Who knew how such a little thing would cont...
My uncle was killed on 10 December 1967 in battle during the Vietnam War. This is the telegram that was sent to my grandfather confirming ...
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